Sign-up Bonus: Free Version of My Book

Time to get serious. Let me send the bonus version of my book to you.
I've spent 20 years on this stuff and the book doesn't hold back... It's got the secrets of the pros of fantasy: "Managing My Team" + "Common Mistakes to Avoid."

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

The New Book: Quadruple Bonus

A quick update for you Brainiacs...  I've been trying to push out a lot of content for you this week.  I'm close to 4,000 words just today alone.  I hope you are enjoying it!

In addition to the new content and all of the value I am providing, it's looking like I'll have the audiobook version of my new book available by Saturday.

If you have been reading this space you'll know that the official launch of the book is this Saturday - August 3rd.  I'm doing a quadruple bonus at no extra charge.  All you have to do is buy the Kindle version of the book on Amazon (you don't need a Kindle device!) and then sign up for my mailing list and/or shoot me a message saying that you bought the book.

Easy as that.  From there I will push the bonus items out to you:  The PDF of the book (it looks way better), the audiobook, the exclusive "3P3Z" draft prep spreadsheet, and my article on "The Roster Ladder" which is my take on value based drafting.  It's at least $13 worth of value for $2.99... Always trying to add value, Brainiacs.

And, on Saturday one person will win the grand prize - A full version of "The Program: Your Master's Degree in Fantasy Football."  I sell "The Program" for $37 on this site and elsewhere, so it's a nice bonus for the grand prize winner.

I'm looking forward to launch day on Saturday! 

I also have a few other tricks up my sleeve... including a potential spot on a radio show you may have heard of... Stay tuned, folks!

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